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All public projects made by X-Aeon Solutions


Online service for testaments

Message Queueing benchmarks

Application testing queueing frameworks

Muriel Esteban

Official website of an electronic composer and music artist, with heavy multimedia content and social features

X-Aeon Solutions

Official website of X-Aeon Solutions, promoting its services

IO Block Reader

Ruby library giving block-buffered and cached read over IO objects with a String-like interface. Ideal to parse big files as Strings, limiting memory consumption.

Music Master

Command line tool handling steps to deliver music album masters from recordings. Handle Track Mixing, Track Mastering, Track Master Delivery, Album Mastering and Album Master Delivery. Easy-to-use configuration files drive the complete processes.


Portable Bookmarks and Shortcuts: Cross platform GUI managing bookmarks and shortcuts in a portable way. Support import/export, search, encryption, hierarchical tags, USB key installation, various environments integration, OS-dependent shortcuts, plugins extensibility.


Add Ajax capabilities to Rails websites with history, bookmarking, partial refreshes, Rails flashes, user callbacks, scripts execution, redirections.


A Ruby file parser/interpreter/preprocessor that comments lines of code based on conditions at the time the file is required. Very handy to implement debugging logs and code that has to be commented (not just dynamically switched off).

RDI: Runtime Dependencies Installer

RDI is a library that gives your application the ability to install its dependencies at runtime. Perfect for plugins oriented architectures. Many kind of deps: RPMs, DEBs, .so, .dll, RubyGems... Easily extensible to new kinds.

Ruby Packager

Generate installable binary distributions of Ruby programs for many platforms (many OS, with or without Ruby installed on clients...). Fit to distribute extensible (plugins) Ruby programs also. Handles also libraries and uploads on websites (


Ruby library grouping various light-weight modules useful for many applications. Currently ships: Logging, Platform, GUI, Misc, Plugins, URLAccess, URLCache. See it as a collection of mini-libraries.

Sheep Dog

Simple command line tool that monitors files and processes and sends notifications or take corrective actions when problems arise. Monitor log files for errors, processes CPU and memory consumption (can kill if exceeding), respawn dead processes.

Stats Collect

StatsCollect is a little framework gathering statistics from external sources (social networks, web sites...), stored in pluggable backends. It can be very easily extended thanks to its plugins (currently include Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, Google).

Wave Swiss Knife

Offer a low-level command-line interface to handle PCM Wave files of any sample rate and bit depths. Provide useful tools such as noise gate, signal generators, FFT and statistical analyzises, DC correction. Plugin architecture easy to extend.


FSCMS stands for File System Content Management System. It is a CMS implemented on a intuitive files/directories structure, providing both ease-of-use and a comprehensive set of command-line tools to perform various tasks (content generation, backup)

Free Resource Leveling Algorithm

Free and easy to implement algorithm that can be used for resource leveling in Gantt projects. Uses resources assignment policies, availibility calendars, tasks' priorities, dependencies, sizings, complexity due to human communication.

WEACE Methodology

Working Efficiently in an Agile and Collaborative Environment to produce Quality Software projects. Give workflows and tools to make everybody involved in a software project work efficiently with others.